Monday, July 28, 2014


Restitution. To be honest, most Flipnote fans would just be happy if Nintendo just released the dang thing. It has been a year now, after all. But some fans want a little something extra as restitution for the long wait. We asked our fans what they would have Nintendo do to make things fair.

Most of the responses were something like this:

Extra coins and/or free months would be appreciated for sure, and it's probably the most likely thing (if Nintendo does decide to offer restitution). But they aren't the most creative answers.

Austin Burk, known for creating Sudomemo, wants Nintendo to purchase his homemade Flipnote Hatena server. Sorry Sudofox: I don't think that will happen.

Several people gave this suggestion. What if Nintendo gave some eShop credit or a free game to people who download Flipnote Studio 3D in the first week or so? This is a plausible reward for "Flipnote Ambassadors," but not one I would recommend hoping too much for. Especially not $100.

Silver Jolteon suggests a more personal touch: a handwritten letter from the president! (...of Nintendo.) Toss in a Flipnote Frog plushie (how would they make it look pixellated?) and you've got more or less the perfect apology. I don't think anyone would hold hard feelings against Nintendo.

This response from Tom Skeys is quite hilarious. Since WE had to wait for a year, I guess it's only fair that the Japanese Flipnote fans who have been enjoying it for so long should have a turn to be locked out of using the application.
Japanese users are probably not "laughing at us." Whenever you eat a sandwich, are you "laughing" at starving orphans? No, you're just enjoying your food and that doesn't make you a bad person. Regardless, funny comment, Tom.

Yeah, Angelique! I know what you're saying. It's also easy to create a physical flip book with a stack of sticky notes.

Tom has probably the most interesting idea. And certainly a vivid imagination. I will try to get that image out of my mind now.

Well, that's all of the selected fan responses. You can see them all here.

What's that? You want to know what I would want?


Oh well, I'm telling you anyway.

That's right. Flipnote StUdiio HD Plus for Wii U.

Make it happen, Iwata.

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