Monday, April 28, 2014

Animation Software: Anime Studio

It even has "Studio" in the name!

The video above gives you a quick look at what Anime Studio can do: that is, what YOU can do with Anime Studio. I created this whole character and 2-second long animation in one day, in fact. Here's a quick rundown of pros and cons.

  • Powerful. There's not much this can't do as far as 2D animation goes.
  • Time-Saving. Animation in Anime Studio is as simple as posing a character, and the software creates the in-betweens. You don't have to draw every frame!
  • Fun. If you like to animate, you'll enjoy using Anime Studio. Figuring out how it all works is like discovering all the possibilities of what you can make.
  • It's not free: The Debut version (which limits you to 2-minute videos and SD output) will set you back $50, with the Pro version (which is far more powerful) costs $300.
  • Takes some time: Figuring out Anime Studio will require a decent amount of time reading manuals and tutorials. Fortunately, there are plenty of forums and resources for you out there, but it's not as simple and intuitive as, say, Flipnote Studio.
Fortunately, there is a free trial available. So give it a go, and if you like Anime Studio, you might not ever go back to Flipnotes.

Hello, World!

This is the first post on the Frog Blog, a fan blog dedicated to animation, gaming, and that sweet spot where they overlap: Flipnote Studio (and Flipnote Studio 3D). We'll be covering news related to Flipnote Studio 3D's release, Sudomemo, and Flipnote Gallery: World. Hey, we might even have contests.

We are partnered with Flipnote Forum, as well as the FS3D Facebook Page, so check out those links if you haven't!
